Kan jag använda mitt IPN för alla mina inspelningar?
Ja, när du har tilldelats ett IPN gäller det för alla dina inspelningar, oavsett var de spelas. IPN länkar alltid din medverkan på olika inspelningar till just dig.
Hur hjälper IPN för SAMI och andra organisationer?
IPN gör det möjligt för kollektiva förvaltningsorganisationer att utbyta både information och ersättningar smidigt och korrekt. Det är inte bara bra för artister och musiker, utan även hela musikbranschen, eftersom det säkerställer att:
- Distributionen är snabbare och mer precis
- Mindre risk för fel eller dubbletter
- Information om dina inspelningar kan delas internationellt utan risk för att du blandas ihop med någon annan
Vad händer om jag inte har ett IPN?
Utan ett IPN kan det vara svårare att säkerställa att dina bidrag tillskrivs dig korrekt, särskilt när inspelningar hanteras eller utnyttjas i andra länder. Det kan resultera i missade eller försenade betalningar, eller i värsta fall att det inte går att spåra dina intäkter från andra länder. Ditt IPN garanterar smidigare bearbetning och betalning av din ersättning.
Var kan jag hitta mitt IPN?
Ditt IPN kan du se bland dina personuppgifter när du loggar in på Mina Sidor eller i SAMI-appen.
Är IPN kopplat till ett specifikt land eller region?
Nej, IPN är globalt. Det är inte begränsat till något specifikt land eller region och används av kollektiva förvaltningsorganisationer över hela världen. Det gör att du enklare får den ersättning du har rätt till från alla länder.
Hur får jag ett IPN?
När du går med i SAMI tilldelas du automatiskt ett IPN och vi ser till att det är länkat till dina inspelningar i det globala systemet.
Varför är IPN bra för mig?
Det finns flera fördelar med IPN:
- Korrekt erkännande – Med ett IPN tillskrivs din medverkan tydligt till dig, oavsett var i världen verket är registrerat
- Global spårning – Kollektiva förvaltningsorganisationer kan effektivt identifiera och spåra dina verk över gränserna, vilket säkerställer korrekt insamling och utbetalning av internationella ersättningar
- Inga dubbletter – IPN minimerar risken för flera registreringar med samma artist, vilket kan skapa förvirring och leda till förlorade intäkter
- Förenklade processer – Informationsdelning och betalningsöverföringar mellan kollektiva förvaltningsorganisationer blir enklare, vilket minskar administrativa fel och förseningar
Varför behöver jag ett IPN?
Ditt IPN säkerställer att din medverkan på inspelningar kan registreras, spåras och ersättas korrekt. Det gör att du kan vara säker på att det är du som står som medverkande på dina inspelningar hos alla SAMI:s systerorganisationer, och garanterar att du får den internationella ersättning du har rätt till.
Vad är IPN?
IPN står för International Performer Number och är det unika id-nummer som tilldelas artister av kollektiva förvaltningsorganisationer, som SAMI. Det säkerställer att varje artist, oavsett om det är inom musik, audiovisuella eller andra kreativa verk, har ett specifikt spårbart nummer som kan användas över hela världen.
I can’t find all my recordings
If recordings or albums are missing from your discography, you can fill out a recording list.
I submitted a recording list but it doesn’t appear in my discography
Sometimes we need to review a recording list manually to make sure everything gets registered correctly. When this happens it might take a while before your recoding list appears in your discography.
Can I edit the information on a recording?
Yes, some of the information can be changed. For example, you can add ISRC code if it is missing, update the length of a track or switch between your name and your pseudonym on a track. You cannot edit the details of other performers already listed on the recording, but you can add performers if someone is missing.
How can I make it easier to find a specific recording?
You can limit what and how much is displayed by using the search function. You can also choose whether you want to sort the discography by album or by singel recordings, if you choose to sort by album you can open an album to see all the recordings included. If you want to be able to sort and search even more, you can download the entire discography as a cdv file and open it in a spreadsheet program.
Why do some tracks have an orange dot?
An orange mark means that we suspect that a participant is missing from the recording list. If you know they are, you can add them yourself so that everyone gets their SAMI money.
Do all my tracks appear in the discography?
Previously we’ve had a problem with not all tracks being displayed, but in our latest update we fixed this! Now you should be able to see all your recordings registered with us in your discography.
Jag hittar inte alla mina låtar?
Om du upptäcker att det fattas låtar eller album i din diskografi kan du skicka en en SAMI-lista.
Jag har skickat in en SAMI-lista men den syns inte i diskografin?
Om vi av någon anledning behöver granska en SAMI-lista manuellt kan det ibland dröja lite innan den syns i din diskografi.
Visas alla mina låtar i diskografin?
Tidigare visades inte alla låtar, men i vår senaste uppdatering åtgärdades detta och nu ska du kunna se alla dina låtar som vi har registrerade i din diskografi.
Kan jag redigera uppgifterna på en låt?
Ja, vissa uppgifter går att ändra. Du kan till exempel lägga till ISRC-kod om den saknas, uppdatera låtlängd eller byta mellan ditt namn och din pseudonym. Du kan inte redigera uppgifterna för andra medverkande som redan står med, men du kan lägga till medverkande om någon saknas.
Hur hittar jag bland alla låtar?
Ett bra sätt att begränsa vad som visas är att använda sökfunktionen. Du kan också välja om du vill sortera diskografin på album eller på låtar, väljer du album kan du öppna upp ett album och se alla låtar som ingår. Om du vill kunna sortera ännu mer kan du ladda ner hela diskografin som en csv-fil och öppna den i ett kalkylprogram.
Varför har vissa låtar har en orange prick?
En orange markering betyder att vi misstänker att det saknas en medverkande. Vet du vem eller vilka som saknas kan du lägga till dem själv så att alla får sina SAMI-pengar.
Om jag är både upphovsperson och artist på en inspelning, behöver jag då registrera detta hos både SAMI och STIM?
Ja, det är lite mer arbete men ger mer ersättning, och till många fler! Som upphovsperson och artist har du rätt till ersättning från båda organisationerna. Från SAMI får du ersättning för din roll som artist och från Stim för din roll som upphovsperson. Dessutom har alla andra musiker som var med på inspelningen också rätt till ersättning för sin medverkan, så glöm inte att skicka in SAMI-listan!
Hur använder man en CSV-fil?
Du kan ladda ner flera olika listor som CSV-fil (t ex Saknade-listan eller din diskografi) för att de ska vara lättare att sortera och arbeta med som du vill. För att ladda ner filen klickar du på ”Ladda ner som CSV”. När filen har hämtats kan du välja att öppna och sortera den i olika program, till exempel Excel. För att sortera filen i Excel gör du följande:
1. Öppna Excel och skapa en tom arbetsbok.
2. Gå till Arkiv och under fliken Data klickar du på ”Från text/CSV”.
3. Leta upp CSV-filen du laddade ner. Markera filen och Importera.
4. När hjälprutan öppnas ändrar du Filursprung till ”Unicode UTF-8” och Avgränsare till Tabb.
5. Klicka på Läs in.Klart! Nu är listan sorterad.
How do I download a CSV file?
To download the file, simply click on ”Download the discography as CSV”. Once you have downloaded the file, you can sort it in a spreadsheet program, such as Excel. To sort the file in Excel, do the following:
- Open Excel and create an empty workbook.
- Go to File and under the tab Data click on ”From text / CSV”.
- Locate the CSV file you downloaded from My Pages. Select the file and Import.
- When the help box opens, change File Origin to “Unicode UTF-8” and Delimiter to Tab.
- Click Load and your discography is sorted!
Vem ansluter sig till SAMI?
Alla som har medverkat på en inspelning kan gå med i SAMI. När du varit med på en inspelning har du rätt att få betalt när dina låtar spelas offentligt. Gå med i SAMI och registrera dina låtar så samlar vi in din ersättning när låtarna spelas.
Det enklaste och snabbaste sättet är att ansluta sig med Mobilt BankID, men det går också att fylla i vårt onlineformulär och få avtalet hemskickat för underskrift. Gå med i SAMI här
When is the next disbursement?
SAMI makes four regular disbursements a year. They take place in the following months:
- March
- June
- September
- December
Why do I have to pay?
Music makes the world more pleasurable and behind it is the work of the performers. You have the right to play music at your business premises, but you are obligated to compensate the performers for it. According to Articles 45-47 of the Swedish Copyright Act (URL), artists and musicians are entitled to compensation when their music is used in public and a music fee shall be paid when making sound recordings available. This means that everyone who plays music for their customers, guests or more than 40 employees must pay our music fee. We collect and distribute this remuneration to all the performers who make our public places more enjoyable to visit.
What’s the difference between SAMI and STIM?
The major difference between SAMI and STIM is that we represent different rights holders. When you play music in your business, you must pay copyright compensation to both organisations.
SAMI represents the artists and musicians who perform on the music.
STIM represents the authors who write the lyrics and the music.
Even if SAMI and STIM were a joint collecting society, the cost would be the same, since they are two different groups who are both entitled to compensation separately.
What does limiting SAMI’s mission entail?
When you join SAMI, we automatically collect your compensation from all areas and all countries with which we have agreements. If you want another collecting society to handle part of the fundraising, you have the right to limit our assignment by opting out of certain fundraising areas or countries.
• Collection areas
There is only one specific area that you can opt out of our assignment: your exclusive rights for on demand and copying. At the present, no money is collected for this area, as there is no support for it in Swedish legislation. But we are working to change that – and your chances of receiving remuneration for this type of music use are greater if the assignment remains with us. In some countries (e.g. Spain), artists and musicians are already entitled to compensation for on-demand services (such as Spotify, Apple Music). As a SAMI member you receive this compensation via SAMI’s exchange agreement.
• Countries
You can also limit in which countries we collect your compensation. If you do this, you must make sure that you are affiliated with a collecting society in that country and have direct contact with them. However, SAMI is one of the collecting societies that has the most exchange agreements in the world. We put a lot of effort into ensuring that they are actually complied with and generate money for our affiliates. All foreign compensation is also paid directly to you without us making any administrative deductions.
Is it too late to report a song from 2017?
SAMI has a ten-year statute of limitations for songs played in Sweden, so you can definitely submit recording lists for ”old” songs.
Collecting societies in other countries, however, have their own rules and the limitation period is often between three and five years. This means that you can get the Swedish remuneration for an ”old” song if it has been played, but that the opportunity to claim your remuneration from other countries may be lost.
I have millions of streams on Spotify. Where is my money?
As the legislation stands today, SAMI has no rights to collect for either Spotify, YouTube or any other streaming services. Therefore we can neither collect money nor play reports for music streaming. Our department for public affairs is working to influence politicians and decision-makers and we hope to see changes in the legislation in the future.
How do I resign from SAMI?
If you no longer want us to collect the remuneration for your songs, you can resign from SAMI. You must terminate your agreement in writing. We apply a notice period of six months and the notice is calculated from the date it arrives to us.
How much money do I get when my song is played on the radio?
Your remuneration is calculated from several factors such as role codes, number of minutes played and the total amount of money SAMI collected during the year. Therefore we cannot say, or even guess, in advance how much money you will get for your song. It depends on how much your song has been played and how much money we can collect.
Do I have the right to vote at SAMI’s general meeting?
Anyone who has participated in a recording can join SAMI. If you also want to become a member with voting rights at SAMI’s general meeting, you need to apply for this separately.
To become a member with voting rights you need to be a SAMI member and have received at least two remuneration payouts from us. You must also be the holder of the rights yourself. This means you can not become a member with voting rights if you for example only have inherited rights.
If you meet these requirements, you are welcome to apply by sending us a written application, signed and witnessed, by post. Decisions on membership with voting rights are made by the board at the next board meeting.
What is an ISRC code?
ISRC is an abbreviation for International Standard Recording Code. An ISRC code is a unique code that all recordings must be provided with, much like a social security number. The code enables the identification of songs and a song always retains the same code even if it is reused on, for example, a compilation album. If the song is re-recorded, this is counted as a new recording and given a new ISRC number.
The ISRC code follows an international standard consisting of twelve letters and numbers in combination. It consists of twelve alphanumeric characters that identify:
• Country of origin for rightholders
• Company code
• Recording year
• Recording number and track identity
How do I report a song recorded outside of Sweden?
If you have performed on a recording abroad, you must ensure that we receive documentation that confirms this in order to be able to collect your remuneration. In order for us to claim your remuneration from other collecting societies, we need as much information as possible about the recording.
You need to fill in a form for recording abroad and take a copy of the cover to prove you are performing on the recording. Send us an email with the information, and if you have any further questions on the topic, please contacts us at medlemsservice@sami.se
How do you know which music has been played?
We regularly receive play reports from radio and television about what music is played in their channels. We also receive reports from DJs all over the country, showing what is being played at discos and nightclubs. The Swedish Authors’ Fund (Författarfonden) also provides us with information about which phonograms have been lent out at Swedish libraries.
But if every single business that plays music at their premises would report every single song to us, there would be unmanageable amounts of data to handle, for them and for us. Instead, we ask the research institute SIFO to conduct a survey for us every year. This gives us the general information on what is being played in public all over the country. When we know what music they play in, for example, shops, restaurants, hotels and gyms, we add this information to the rest of our play reports. Together, all these sources give us a pretty good picture of what music has been played and helps us distribute the collected remuneration as fairly as possible.
I found an error on a submitted recording list. What do I do now?
Contact our Member Services and tell us which song or album it is and what went wrong, and we will help you correct it. After the recording list has been submitted, you can only make certain additions, you do this inside your discography on My Pages. You can add more participants to a song, add ISRC code or song length if this information is missing.
What happens if I don’t report my music use?
Your music report is needed to calculate your music fee. The information is the basis for your invoice and is needed for your music fee to be correct.
Anyone who fails to submit their report, or submits it after the deadline for responding, will receive an invoice based on estimated information, as well as an administrative fee of SEK 500 (excluding VAT).
We need your report even if you have not used music during the period. Just indicate on the form that you have not used music.
How do I announce changes to the music agreement?
If you want to announce any changes or wish to terminate the agreement, just send us an email at kund@sami.se or call us at +46 (0)8 453 34 10. Changes apply from the date of arrival or the day you contact us. Please enter your customer number or organisation number when you contact us.